Regional groups
Regional groups within the Association of Baltic Noble Corporations emerged only after WWII. With the expulsion of the German-speaking Balts in 1939 from Estonia and Latvia, the noble corporations' traditional geographical basis ended. In 1950 new regional groups were organized under the Association and its four noble corporations, which reflected the new political divisions within the Federal Republic of Germany, as well as some groups outside Germany as well. Those living outside Germany either linked themselves to a regional group or formed their own.

Baden-Wuerttemberg (Switzerland)
Bavaria (Austria, Spain, Portugal)
Berlin/North Saxony-Anhalt/Brandenburg
Hamburg/Schleswig-Holstein/Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Denmark/Finland)
Lower Saxony/Bremen (Great Britain)
North Rhine-Westphalia (Benelux countries, France)
Saxony, Thuringia, Southern Saxony-Anhalt
Sweden (Norway)
Regional groups represent independent vehicles for carrying out the Association's work and each has a vote on the board of directors of the Association. Every three years prior to an Association meeting, regional groups elect their new executive committees. They organize on a rotational basis the annual Association meeting including its religious ceremony, speeches, reception and ball. Otherwise each group sets its own annual agenda. Special emphasis is laid on youth activities.